Issue $30,000 a month for 3 months with more freedom and less grind.

There's nothing magical about it, it's just a 90-step comprehensive program that contains everything you need to become an Agency Owner.

Apply for the Road to AO

Road to AO

A first-in-class program leveraging Outcome Management Software + Performance coaching to help you build your Agency.
Issue $30,000/month for 3 months, 50%+ from Downline

The Road to Agency Owner is unclear, lonely, and marred with the failure of writers before you who couldn't sustain the course ... until now.

The 90-Step Road to AO pathway is $199 a month, until you finish.

Move at your own pace. Hit AO in 3 months or 1 year, only depends how bad you want it.
Get 3 of your peers to join you then it's free for life, no matter how long it takes you.

Build your Agency Quicker, and More Comfortably.

Apply Now

The Metrics

Numbers that deliver Results

  • 01
    Personal Appointments Sat
  • 02
    Interviews with Recruits
  • 03
    Agency Appointments Sat
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The Behaviors

Key Behaviors that ensure success

  • 01
    Book of the Month Reading
  • 02
    Personal Success Ritual
  • 03
    Business Success Ritual
  • 04
    Accountability with Running Buddies
Join today!
I would guarantee that the client will get clarity personally, professionally and systematically. Personally, I went from a struggling survivor to an achiever. Since working together, we have grown annual revenue 20% and gained more clarity, hope, and confirmation.
If the content was applied and worked at it they would experience great growth around leading others and themselves. I went from less self aware to more confident, self aware and better able to lead others. We have easily grown 15-20% since establishing our relationship across the board, because the ROI will continue to pay and the effects are compounding.
Using Jordan and the tools he uses, I have been able to deepen my self-awareness and what it is like to be on the other side of me. This work has helped me in every relationship in my life. He took me from surface self-awareness to deeper self-awareness. This has helped bring more awareness, compassion and understanding in every relationship in my life both personally and professionally with more clarity and more Compassion to myself and others.
I gained insightful support to better understand my wiring and to navigate dynamic challenges with the working team. The transformation process has helped me go from what I thought was a good understanding of my wiring to a much more well rounded understanding of my tendencies and how to communicate with other personalities. I am a much more clear, compassionate, and productive leader for my employees.
This gave me validated tools and skills that will improve leadership and personal well being. I grew from accidental to intentional, and have grown by 25 employees and revenue has increased by 30 percent. It has helped accelerate my personal development, the development of my teams, and the organization as a whole. We now operate with a common language, have a greater understanding of different personalities, and effective tools to improve engagement and relationships.
This course gave me an in-depth understanding of the personal and professional tendencies that drive or diminish success. Through tools and language to develop fundamental leadership principles, I have gone from passive leadership to directive leadership, and grown 25% in annual revenue as a result. If I want to be a professional leader in my industry why wouldn't I want the best tools available?
You will get someone who is knowledgeable in Developing Leaders and coaching. Someone who is a principal based teacher that is good at taking a topic or making a suggestion and backing it up with a written principal. Revenue and profits are up, we added two employees. It is so good getting an outside perspective on my blind spots as well as getting another perspective in the things I am experiencing. I am now confident I am on the right track.
This gives anyone the OPPORTUNITY to learn about themselves and take their business to a whole new level. Personally, I went from a dominator type leader to more of a liberating leader, leading to a 35% gain in agents, and 45% gain in sales. It has helped us retain great people and it's helped us attract a better quality of person to our company. It's kicked off a much-needed self-discovery and self improvement journey. I now have a positive vision that we are headed in the right direction.
Anyone using your services would gain greater clarity on people. That includes themselves and those they live and work with. To help with this they will also get tools and coaching. I have gone from confused and frustrated with people to clear and effective with my team, and we have grown over 30%. It has given us specific tools and support to handle live issues in our business. Coaching has helped us gain clarity and focus by giving us opportunities to explore existing challenges with an objective guide who helps us unpack the obstacles and create relevant pathways through or around them.
You will attain the level of self insight necessary to get to the next level. Annual premium is up 35%.
I guarantee you will be challenged, but also supported. You will get someone who will listen and can share from real world experiences as well as professional research. My big result is a 150% increase in monthly revenue and great stability, knowing that I have someone I can tap into in tough situations. I now have the confidence to tackle challenges.
You will get a deeper understanding of who you are and how you best function as a leader. Jordan is great at asking you the questions necessary for you to self discover the best direction and actions needed to hit your goals. We went from 105 to 110!
You would get the capabilities to grow your business and personal life to a level of success you haven't dreamed of yet. It's the chance to work one on one with experts that help develop you into the best version of yourself so others on your team will duplicate and follow your lead to success. I have gone from having a lost purpose to finding what causes me to abundantly thrive. Since coaching, our culture and growth of leaders have increased dramatically. We went from 4 leaders to 12 leaders, all of which are growing their own levels of leadership. It helped me to see beyond my own potential and gave me the courage to be vulnerable and attain the unattainable.
You will gain greater clarity around their goals to focus on the next 90 days. Average monthly APV has gone from 6K to 12K, primarily because of the accountability.
We went from averaging around $100k a month in sales with about 12-13 agents to averaging around $160k a month in sales with 24-25 agents. You have to learn how to lead yourself before you can lead others. Personal growth always precedes business growth and not the other way around.
Working with Jordan will guarantee that you will receive insightful guidance, clear processes, and training on how to best leverage your strengths to lead yourself and others. I personally feel that I am a better leader for my growing team after working with Jordan. I have built on processes he taught me and have been empowered to leverage my inner strengths to get the results I seek. I am able to effectively lead others more efficiently which frees up more time for revenue generating activities. I also have way more energy.

The Success Steps

The Buried Treasure map you wish existed all along. 90* Steps categorized into 12 Critical Phases.

*It's overwhelming seeing it ... imagine how overwhelming it is without knowing what the steps are. All of this can be done in 3 months.

  • 01
    Phase 1: Onboarding, Welcome and Orientation
  • 02
    Phase 2: Understanding Self
  • 03
    Phase 3: Ritualizing Personal Success
  • 04
    Phase 4: Double your Productivity
  • 05
    Phase 5: Planning for Business Success
  • 06
    Phase 6: Management of Self
  • 07
    Phase 7: Maximize Production Consistency
  • 08
    Phase 8: Recruiting and Interviewing
  • 09
    Phase 9: Financial Stability
  • 10
    Phase 10: Leading Change
  • 11
    Phase 11: Personal Gravity
  • 12
    Phase 12: Relationship Management
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The Meetings

The Accountability, Coaching, and Development that used to cost thousands.

  • 01
    Weekly Office Hours
  • 02
    Quarterly Goal Setting
  • 04
    Peer Coaching
  • 05
    Book Club
  • 06
    Performance Q+A
Apply Now

The Books

Borrowing from the best and learning from the legends. Studying books that will transform your world.

  • 01
    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  • 02
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • 03
    How to Win Friends and Influence People 
  • 04
    The Road Less Travelled by M Scott Peck
  • 05
    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • 06
    Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
  • 07
    Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • 08
    The 5 Love Languages
  • 09
    The 5 Voices
  • 10
    The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
  • 11
    Eat the Frog! by Brian Tracy
  • 12
    The Power of Full Engagement by Tony Schwartz
We're doing this, are you?

Result-Generating Software™

Outcome Management Software

Never leave your results up to hope or luck again. WIth our first-in-class, Result-Generating, Outcome Management Software, you will know the exact steps needed to succeed in Symmetry. Steps built by the secrets of 40 of some of the most successful Symmetry agents ever.

Steps, Behaviors, Success Metrics

Specific success paths built for each journey. Never before has the combined wisdom of Symmetry's best laid out the specific steps to succeed. With result metrics to track everything, and daily behaviors to ensure accountability your success is secured.

Running Buddies

Scaled intimacy. The first time you had access to everyone running this race alongside you. Helpful tips, encouragement, and even competition will guide you through the ups and downs.

Leader Boards

Nothing like a little friendly competition to motivate you on your hard days. See whose ahead of you and what steps they are taking to win. Even access the secrets of those who have already completed their race. Together we race, together we win.

19 Reasons Why You Should Join Us

1. Proven Path
Building an agency dependent on your own personal production makes your agency vulnerable and keeps you in the field longer. The Road to AO details the specific 90 Steps to build your agency on the back of other hungry writers and keeps your own personal production below 50%.

2. True Freedom
The Road to AO pathway was built for successful writers that aspire to produce $30,000 with 6 or more writers in their agency in a sustainable way that maximizes their freedom and enjoyment, and gets them out of the field faster.

3.  Tested by Symmetry's Finest
Each of the 90 Steps, 4 Behaviors and 3 Metrics have been battle tested for over 3 years with Symmetry Elites (like Shannon, Colburn, Delaney etc.) to ensure their reliability and are measured against the results of each cohort, every time, so that they update as often as your business does.

4. Zero Guess Work
The Road to AO pathway contains 90 Steps, 4 Behaviors and 3 Metrics. The 90 Steps give each writer a straight and clear path to Agency Owner, faster. The 4 Behaviors give you the confidence that you're focusing on the most effective activities, so that you stay on track every day. The 3 Metrics give you specific, real-time feedback so that you know (for certain) whether you'll hit your goal. No guess-work required.

5. Collective Mastermind Intelligence
The built-in Mastermind group delivers the collective intelligence of other agents (just like you), and our Team of Coaches keeps us invested in your success so that you're never alone. You'll meet once a month with your Mastermind group to leverage the wisdom of others further down the path. Our Team of Coaches are at your finger tips, every day of the week, using our done-for-you community management tool. Running with a running buddy is more fun and faster than doing it alone.

6. Tested for Reliability
Every Step, Behavior and Metric in the Road to AO pathway is reviewed by Jordan Mitchell and Drew McClure, and pilot tested to ensure the results we promise our delivered. For example, we launched 3 accelerator programs from August to October to over 100 agents before promoting the pathway widely.

7. Flat out guaranteed
The Road to AO pathway is open for lifetime and guaranteed for 6 months. If after 6 months you have taken every step, and worked the process 100% and not hit Agency Owner, we'll refund the entire investment.

8. Backed by years of expertise
The Road to AO pathway is built on over 5 years of success coaching Symmetry Agents to become Agency Owners. The only time our method changed was in June 2021 when Jordan Mitchell's calendar got so full, he decided to impact more agents at a lower cost.

9. First in market - Outcome Management Software
Each of the 90 Steps contain detailed coaching videos and ready-to-use templates, all packaged in an Outcome Management Software, giving you the clearest path to results on the market.

10. A light to your path
Click a single button and log Steps, Behaviors and track metrics, so you know exactly where you are on the path. (The lack of confusion and frustration makes building an Agency so simple).

11. Friendly Competition
Scroll down to the Leaderboard and see where you stack up against your peers. Two separate scoreboards show you who's putting in the work daily, and who's leading the charge all time. Come in first, second, or third, and receive a medal to symbolize your effort.

12. True metrics that matter
The Outcome Management software tracks 7 Behaviors and Metrics used to run your business - that's 4 more gauges than many pilots use to fly a plane.

13. Designed for Flow States
A productivity timer at the top of the board keeps you focused and in flow on the most important tasks during the most productive hour of your day.

14. It can be free!
Enroll in the pathway today and get access for the rest of time completely free if you sign up 3 of your peers with you. That's it. Forever free, just bring 3 friends with you.

15. Know exactly how to spend your morning
Ritualize the first 90 minutes of your workday to focus on dialing, recruiting, and other key priorities. A gauge on the pathway board will track your consistency.

16. It's 75% cheaper than everyone else
The Road to AO costs $199 a month, instead of $750 a month under the old 1:1 coaching model.

17. Two Numbers to manage success
There are two types of metrics we track: Progress and Result Metrics. Progress metrics keep you on track and motivated to drive results. The Result Metric marks your Agencies ultimate success in a single number.

18. Access to Inc 5000 Performance Coaches
Expert performance coaches Jordan Mitchell and Drew McClure routinely monitor your progress and provide accountability weekly using our community management tool.

19.  Did we mention, Outcome management software!? + Running Buddies.
Other coaching programs by other coaches are similar except for the Outcome Management Software and Community Management tool. If having "Running Buddies" all running the same clear route (with clear mile markers) is just a "nice to have", I'm sure those programs will work for you too.

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